I chose the name Speechless because it connotes amazed, wordless and astonished to its audience. Also in the same font of the magazine title i have put ‘Cathy White’ in the same font as it shows that will be my main story. This Magazine I decided to make it target audience for sixth former at Guilsborough School. I took a picture of Cathy white and edit it by blur the image, crop the image, I brought the eyes into more focus, the camera shot was mid-close up with a mid-angle. I also add three pictures at the bottom of the magazine to show my readers what else is in the magazine. The first picture it says ‘Knowing YOUR limits’ this connotes about knowng your alcohol limits, and the picture goes with the title as you can see he passed out from alcohol, the picture you can see has a boy passed out and has had a alcohol bottle, cards and crisps packets placed on him. The Middle picture has Charlie Davies texting someone so I thought this image will go well with ‘Can texting cause brain damage?’. The third picture is Chris Day saying ‘Catch the symptoms early!!!’ this can connotation anything. I haven’t placed a price on the front cover as I think it would be better to put it on the back of the magazine. For my Colour scheme i have chosen white, grey and black, and the black and white stand out, and the grey goes well with both colours. I would have this printed at A4 size because the majority of magazines for that sort of age group are A4 and I don't want the target audience to feel that because it's a small magazine it doesn't have as much information in it.

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